Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Laser Hair Removal Cost - Too Expensive?

Permanent hair reduction has become an obsession with people around the world these days. Although the treatment saves us a lot of time, is hassle free and comes as a permanent cure, the cost associated with the procedure might seem outrageous. This procedure is considered fairly expensive and since it takes more than one session to get the desired results, you would end up paying more than you might have anticipated.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, an average Laser Hair removal cost is $430, taking into account the whole of America. This is just for a single treatment and a laser treatment is hardly a single treatment. An average person needs approximately 4-5 treatments which might cost a total of $2500. Isn't that costly? Fortunately there are clinics that offer packages for a set of treatments which can reduce the overall cost. The price might also differ from clinic to clinic and also depend on the practitioner. Some of the high-end clinics can charge almost double the amount since their clientele is mostly situated towards the higher end.

The laser hair removal cost varies depending on the part of the body you want to be treated. This is attributed to the size and thickness of the area. Facial hair removal is the costliest of all followed by the back hair removal, both ranging around $500-$900. This is followed by the legs, where the cost varies between $500 and $700. The cheapest of all are the chest and arms. The high price also leads to a dilemma, whether to go for it or to return to the traditional hair removal methods like waxing and shaving. Though they might sound cheaper, they are not permanent. Think of all the money you spend for those creams and razors each month. Saving it up for a permanent treatment like a laser hair removal procedure, will yield considerable returns after a few years. Doesn't this make it a wise and sound investment?

Read this article about laser hair removal cost to know more about the cost of laser hair removal

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jim_Naish
Find more Laser Hair Removal Prices here;

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