Thursday, December 10, 2009

Laser Hair Removal - Are the Prices Affordable?

This must probably be the most asked question amongst people who consider laser hair removal! Somehow, since the lasers tend to seem like new age technology, we end up wondering it really does cost an arm and leg or not! While price should definitely be considered when you go for a treatment, it should never be the yardstick for judgment.
Would it really not be better to pay a wee bit more if it is beneficial in the long run? Before I tell you about the prices, I would like you to judge them by considering all the investment that you would have otherwise made.

Truthfully, it is never possible to accurately estimate the amount of money that it will cost you. While some clinics do tend to have fixed prices for particular that need to be treated, most clinics have varying prices. The pricing depends on the area of treatment, the number of visits that it takes you to get treated, the color of the skin, the place where you live, the type of machine that you choose, the type of hair you have and even the weather of the place that you live in!

Phew! That was a lot of factors, no? Well, let us see how each of these factors affects your price. Well the most obvious factor is the size of the treatment area and in general, the larger the area, the more you have to pay.

If your skin is sensitive, it may require more than a normal number of visits to the doctor and hence, they may have to charge more. Also, if the complexion of your skin is a bit dark then, you can be asked to pay more. This is so because it would then require more effort from the doctors.

Obviously you would have more than one laser prototypes to choose from and the better the prototype you choose, the more you have to pay.

I know that some of you may be wondering what exactly the weather has got to do with the price. Well, the correlation is simple if you see the fact that you would tend to get your hair removed more if you lived in a hot location. That is when the demand would be high; the clinics would be able to charge more. The most obscure factor is definitely the type of hair. This is something that you just cannot know unless you visit the clinics!
While the amount of money that you need to spend cannot be predicted, the range is mostly from $150-$900 and the average tends to be close to $429 (in case, you are wondering, no I did not make this up).

With these rough estimates, I can fairly conclude that the prices are well worth the effort that needs to be put by these people and you should consider it if you do not mind spending now to save in the future. However, while you are selecting the option don't save on pennies when the benefits could be on dollars.

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